Thursday, August 30, 2007

Camp Wannaweep

What is high school but a day camp? We come, put our lunches in our cubbies, divide into our little groups, go around to our different stations, and then we go home. Sounds like fun. And through this hustle and bustle do we really walk away with anything? YES! but not book knowledege (if that happens it was totally be accident, we just happened to open the book and the knowledge just flew into our minds). We learn about life, where we will be in ten, fifteen years. Our experience in high school (and in college) is what we will base the rest of our lives on. How many time have you heard some one say, "Man, when i was in high/college school..." At that point you want to run because they will talk and talk about something that has no relavence to anything. People feel that one
mistake they made in high school screwed their karma for good. But while we learn of life, most of walk away with no knowledge of what we tlaked about when we were in "tribe time."

And yet there is this urge to get that 'A.' What does that mean any way? I'm good at cramming information two minutes before the test starts? GREAT! Think for a sec, if your an adult and you work what if you got an 'A' instead of a paycheck? HA! HA! I'm sorry. That was mean of me, but you must admitt if that happened that would SUCK. Me personally, I measure my life in those little packs of Splenda sugar. Right now, I'm at 13 packs, not very good. I'm normally at a 32-ish. Yea...that sounds about right...32.

No, but on a serious note, I measure my life on how many smiles I can put on the faces I meet that day. Not only is someone happy but I helped make them that way. If that's a crime, I'll gladly take responsibility for it.

This is what I really think about in class...

Make everyday better than the last! :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Float Like A Butterfly Sting Like A Bee...!

Muhammad Ali is an icon for many things like strength, faith and power. One thing he was never a icon for is weakness. He was the poster child of of power. He beliefs and a consistancy was what led him to greatness.

Winning 56 of his 61 fights, Ali never did anyhing he didn't feel must be done. Continuing when peopl told him to sit done and fighting when others called him afraid because he wouldn't fight in the war. Little did they know, he was destined for something great things.

Ali is and icon to me because no matter what generation you belong to his stoy and journey through life is always inspirering. Young boxers all over the world look to him for gudience and advice. When someone goes through such life changing events, it is only a matter of time that the outcome will show.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jumbo Shrimp

Ricky was "L" but he's home with the flu,
Lizzie, out "O," had some homwork to do,
Mitchell, "E" prob'ly got lost on the way,
So I'm all of love that could make it today
-Shel Silverstein

The trouble with school is
They always try to teach the wrong lesson
Believe me, I've been kicked out
Of enough of them to know
They want you to become less callow
Less shallow
But I say: why invite stress in?
Stop studying strife
And learn to live "the unexamined life"
-"Dancing Through Life", Wicked

Many people do not believe when I say, "To see others happy, makes me happy."
What makes me happier if I was a part of the reason they are happy. The poem about
love is like my life's mission. I don't want to stop until I feel that the "forgotten"
know that there is at least one person who truly cares about them. I don't mind if I am the only person who feels this way. Because I want it, it will get gone. This is probably the only
thing in the world I'm passonate about. Which brings me to the song "Dancing Through Life."
This songs describes me because I feel that there is nothing in the world that important to stress over. I'm not a procrastinator, I just don't blow things out of proportion. If your relaxed, everyone around tends to feel relaxed and the world is a calm place.