Friday, September 21, 2007

Stick a Fork in Me, Cause I'm Done! Ssssss!

1000 years? Who wouldn't want to be remembered for 1000 years? So what if you die in your twentites. We are all going to die anyway, why not enjoy life and all the crap it gives us and run with it? But if I wasn't on this sugar rush I wouldn't be thinking about the fame but all the good that I could do. I would do everything to the extreme. Giving time, money, and other resources to thoughs who need it. And spluge a little on me. It's like the movie The Last Holiday, when the women thought she had three weeks to live, so she took all her money out of the bank and did everything she ever wanted to do. Then found out that she wass misdiagnosed. You never know what life can throw at you. Plus if I had to live a long life with let's say Hutchins disease, I would kill myself. The only thing I feel I would miss is seeing how well people turn out. But then again, some people I wouldn't all...seriously.


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