Tuesday, September 4, 2007

...All Play and No Work Makes Jack a Mere Toy

The philosiphy that I recieved from reading Siddhartha (and the passage) was something to the effect of "Our destinies are kind of planned out already, the question is are we willing to take the ride?" Little did Saddhartha know, but he was most likely suppose to be the one out of he and Govinda to live through want they both sought out (or else the book would have been title 'Govinda'). To experience it first hand and to pass ona little taste of the knowledge he gained so his listeners may have the desire to seek enlightenment for themselves.

On the other hand, Western thinking says, "My future is what I make of it." If I want to be rich, I work to be rich, if I want to be happy, I work for my happiness. No one reminds you about thoughs people who are born rich so are automatically happy. Most of us have to fight the temtation to do bad because not only will it mess upp our lives, but the lives around us. We are sinners by nature, the challenge of life is will you give into the urges? Don't let fear stop you from living. Like Siddhartha, you may have to let go of the thing you treasure the most to ind true enlughtenment.

A smile a day keeps the psychiatrist away! :)


bombdotcom said...

sinners by nature?

you sound like a antitranscendentalist, j.

Humble Hippo said...

Well, I'm an EXTREMELY religious person. It plays a huge factor in the things that I say and what I do. It's just who I am. In the blog I'm not saying all Christians and perfect and if you aren't Christian your imperfect, I have temtations, too. It's just i have learned to deal with them. It's just finding what works for you.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.